How can I cancel my order?
We take pride in the fast delivery process at Joeps and strive to get your order to you as quickly as possible. If you wish to cancel your order after placing and paying for it, please let us know as soon as possible. If we are not reachable by phone, please send us a message via WhatsApp or email us at [email protected]. We will then immediately check if the package has not yet been packed or shipped. If that’s the case, we can still process the cancellation. However, if the order is already in progress, cancellation is unfortunately no longer possible.
Is your order delivered to a PostNL pickup point? Please make sure to collect your package within a week. If the package is not picked up within this period, it will be returned to our warehouse. In that case, we will only proceed with payment once the product has been returned to us. If you wish to return the product directly, you can inform the PostNL pickup point, and they will send it back to us immediately.